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Densen now launches the B-175 Integrated Amplifier. The B-175 is the most powerful integrated amplifier ever from Densen.From the first look on the B-175 it is obvious that the B-175 is something special in the Densen family. It has the fascia of the B-250 preamp, and combines this with the brute and forceful cabinet of the B-350 mono block with its recessed heat sinks.The B-175 merges the technology of Densens two current top of the line products; the B-250 preamp and B-350 mono blocks in one cabinet. Naturally some corners have been cut, to shoehorn such advanced products into the cabinet and budget of the B-175. However as always with Densen, the choices have been taken purely on sonic grounds. The performance of the B-175 is therefore outstanding, and belies its modest price. Truly an integrated amp that will last many audiophiles a lifetime.The B-175 delivers 2x125w in 8 ohm, 2x250w in 4 ohm and does this with an ease and control, that must be heard to be believed. The large recessed heat sinks, allow for the amplifier to run with a high bias, thereby securing that most normal listening conditions are delivered in Class A. The power supply is made with a high quality toroid transformer, encapsulated for isolation of vibrations to the main PCB, and with separate outputs to all critical stages of the power and preamp sections of the B-175. As always with Densen, it contains custom made capacitors made especially for the circuit in which they are used. No less than 15 custom made capacitors are used in the power supply of the B-175. Further to that, for the first time ever in a Densen amplifier, there is our own film capacitors. These film capacitors are the result of extensive research into the behaviour of capacitors in critical paths of amplifiers. As such they are tailor made to the way Densen designs amplifiers, to give a performance not even found in the most well respected audiophile capacitors offered by other manufacturers.The B-175 contains no less than 10 separate voltage regulators, many implemented as SMD voltage regulators, placed close to where the power is needed, thereby securing a smooth power delivery, to each critical stage of the amplifier.The power amp design of the B-175 relies on the B-350 monoblock design, but with a few adjustments, to optimise it for its working conditions in the B-175.The power output is transferred internally from the power amp to the speaker terminals using a custom made cable, which is silver coated copper with the isolation of Teflon. This cable was first used in Densens DM-10 amplifier, and now sees its rebirth in the B-175, securing a unsurpassed signal transfer.The preamp is based on the Densen reference preamp; the B-250. As such it is a pure class A preamp, with an advanced microprocessor controlled attenuator. In these times, digital volume controls are often used in high end amps. However digital volume controls, typically contains over 500 components in a compact microchip, with all the complications this meansdegradationto the tiny vulnerable audio signals. On top of that, digital volume controls typically have poor performance at low attenuation levels, which is where they are often used in normal listening conditions, where they will have high distortion and time related distortions, resulting in listening fatigue and a lack of transparency and detail. Densen has therefore never used digital volume controls on any of their products, instead opting for an advanced ultra precise attenuator. This attenuator is implemented with the use of Vishay 0,1% laser trimmed metal film resistors, giving a transparency and accuracy that is outstanding. Further the attenuator is calibrated by the user, by an interface with the amplifiers microprocessor. This means that the microprocessor that also takes care of the B-175s display, remote, input selector and DenLink multiroom system, also takes care of the calibration of the attenuator to the listening level desired by the listener. The calibration is done in ½ db steps, allowing a high resolution, securing that the listener can always hit the precise listening levels they desire.Further the microprosessor controls the B-175s option of installing a analogue surround board, which is a board that expands the B-175s preamp to a true 7+1 analogue preamp, securing a precise and straight signal path for users who wants to upgrade the B-175 with a DVD with 5+1 or BluRay with 7+1 analogue output, and with further power amplifiers to control all speakers in either a 5+1 or 7+1 system.Audiophiles wanting to use the B-175 with a gramophone can convert on of the B-175s line inputs to either a MM or MC RIAA input by the purchase of a dedicated phonostage to insert in the B-175.Naturally the B-175 has the option of adding Densens advanced DNRG external power supply.Finally the B-175 contains a socket for Densens advanced SAXO electronic crossover, resulting in the possibility of upgrading the Densen B-175 with several Densen power amps and SAXOs to allow for true active performance in a high end system.Soundwise the B-175 contains the best of Densen; the fast engaging sound, the smooth detailed presentation, with a flow and transparency that must be heard. The precise soundstage, with lifelike depth, width and height. The stunning detail level, that is a presented in a way, as not to take the attention of the sheer musicality of the B-175.External power suppliesThe Densen NRG upgrades, are external power supplies designed to significantly upgrade and improve the performance of Densen products.It is a effective way of improving the sound, without having to sell your current Densen model,and purchase something different. A discrete and elegant cure for the ever continuing lust for even better sound from your Densen system.Comes in 2 versions – DNRG and 2NRG.DAC BoardThe Densen FabelDAC is a DAC designed to bemounted in the surround slot on DensenPreamps or Integrated amps. It is bacically theDAC from the B-410 with 2 coax digital inputs.It will allow the connection of a digital sourcedirectly to a Densen integrated amp/preamp.FabelDAC gives a fantastic performance for a rather modest price, and allows the use of digital sources like Sonos or Squeezebox or other digital sources you might want to listen to.RIAA BoardThe DP-03 is an MM board for the B-175PLUS. The only differencebetween the DP-01 and DP-03 is the physical shape, which allows them to be used withdifferent Densen products. Despite of the modest price of these two boards, it will offer youa world class RIAA when mounted in any Densen amplifier. Due to the technical design, theDP-03 and DP-01 work with all MM cartridges on the market, and actually do so with anoutstanding sound quality.

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