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Auralic Vega S1 streaming DAC and S1 Purer Power Power supply review by The Ear Magazine

Jason Kennedy writes

Auralic are to be congratulated on what they have achieved with the Vega S1, it has been a long time since I heard a Vega G1 but can say with some confidence that this new Vega is in a different league. Not only does it have virtually all the features found in the Vega G2.2 but when combined with the S1 Purer-Power it approaches its sound quality too. Getting the best out of any streamer depends on how well sorted the back end of the system is and you will need to pay attention here if you want to hear it at its best. Either way I am confident that the Vega S1 will be a thorn in the side of shinier boxes from bigger brands because it proves that when you get the fundamentals right great sound quality and high value follow.

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