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Bel Canto E1X DAC Preamp by Stereophile

John Atkinson from Stereophile reviews the Bel Canto E1X DAC Preamplifier, read the full review

The e1X DAC is a smart-looking, full-width component in a black-anodized aluminum case. The front panel features a large, rectangular, white-on-black alphanumeric display, a control knob, and a ¼” headphone jack. The rear panel features AES3, coaxial and optical S/PDIF, and USB digital inputs as well as a UPnP/DLNA-compatible Ethernet port. The USB and Ethernet ports support MQA-encoded data and DSD data in the DoP format (DSD64 via the network connection; DSD64 and ‘128 with the USB port). There is also a USB-A port for plugging in a FAT32-formatted drive.

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