Showroom closed 10 Sep - 26 Sep. Phone or email for inquiries.



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This is one area of technology where size really matters – just not necessarily in the way that you might assume. The critical circuits in your audio system run on DC voltage. The level of that voltage needs to be precise and the level of residual noise it carries needs to be as low as possible. All CH Precision components contain sophisticated power supplies with extensive local DC regulation. But this is one field in which you can never put too much protection between the signal path and the noisy, RF polluted and mechanically intrusive AC supply.


  • Up to two units can be connected to a single X1 (with the addition of a second regulation board)

Internal Topology

  • Dedicated mains filter for each transformer primary
  • Cascades external power supply regulation stage with onboard regulation for superior noise rejection
  • Two oversized power transformers dedicated to the digital and analog power supply sections of the connected unit(s) respectively
  • Allows the connected unit’s mains transformer and rectifier to be powered down, reducing electromagnetic noise and spurious mechanical interference within the audio chassis

Component Compatibility

  • Can be used to further improve the performance of the D1 CD/SACD Transport, C1/C1 Mono DAC/Controllers, P1 Phono-Stage and L1 Line-Stage
  • Housed in the same mechanically grounded enclosure as the rest of the 1 Series units, so that it fits in perfectly with your system

Digital and analog power supplies monitoring
Over- & under-voltage

DC outputs
One or two independent output boards as specified

440 x 440 x 133mm (W x D x H), 22kg

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