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Review: Auralic Aries G2.1 network streamer

Jason Kennedy at has run the Aries G2.1 through its paces, as we’ve all come to expect the review sings the praises of the AURALiC.
Full review

Jason covers many aspects of the streamer, including listening tests form a number of servers.

Jason writes: ‘There are people that don’t believe streaming can compete with CD let alone vinyl but I suspect that most of them have never heard a good streamer. The Aries G2.1 is a very good streamer.’


‘It should be evident by now that the Auralic Aries G2.1 is a rather special piece of kit, one that’s capable of taking almost any streaming system to the next level. You need a com­mensurately good DAC to make the most of it and the source side needs to be sorted too, but if you’re looking for a serious streaming upgrade this warrants serious consideration.’

Here is a link to a Tidal playlist of the tracks used during this review:

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