Showroom closed 10 Sep - 26 Sep. Phone or email for inquiries.

Enhance Your Musical Experience

Understanding LP12 Upgrades

Let’s explore each LP12 upgrade category and its distinctive effect on your turntable’s performance.This overview is a great starting point, but it’s important to remember that there are many different LP12 decks out there, and each one may benefit from a different upgrade path. We recommend you to contact us so that we can help you with the best upgrade path.

1 - Deck Options


Rich – Strong


Satin smooth grain


Strong – Durable – Classic


Rich rosewood shade

Piano Black

Stuninng – High gloss finish

Black Ash

Dark – Strong – Durable

2 - Sub-chassis Options

The famous sub-chassis of a Sondek LP12 is responsible for the turntable’s overall isolation from acoustic feedback. It has a critical role; mounted upon three springs, it carries the platters, bearing and tonearm assembly separate from the rest of the deck.​

Majik Sub-Chassis

Aluminium sub-chassis with mounting for laminate armboard


Machined armboard


Machined from solid aluminium

3 - Phonostage Options


Internal analogue phonostage

Urika II

Internal digital phonostage


Universal phonostage

4 - Tonearm Options

Discover the perfect balance of tone and precision with our Krane, Arko, and Ekos SE tonearms. Each offers distinct performance advantages. Pair with the ideal cartridge for a truly refined listening experience.

Ekos SE

Flagship performance


High precision gimballed  tonearm


Static balanced tonearm

5 - Baseboard Options


Suspended feet for additional isolation

Solid Base

A fixed, rigid platform for your deck

6 - Cartridge Options

Explore our expanded range of phono cartridges, from Adikt, to the jewel-in-the-crown of our lineup – Ekstatik. Each cartridge model delivers superior synergy with our range of tonearms.


Moving magnet


A formidable, entry level moving coil cartridge


Moving coil cartridge


High performance moving coil cartridge


Moving coil cartridge


All new, flagship moving coil cartridge

7 - Power supply Options

We have a range of high-precision Sondek LP12 power supplies and motor controls to choose from – both internal and housed in an external chassis. Upgrading your existing power supply stands to produce a most pronounced change in performance from your LP12 – after all, it is the ‘source of the source’!

Majik LP12 Power Supply

Internal power supply


AC motor supply

Radikal – Standard

Reference motor control, motor and power supply

Radikal – Machined

Reference motor control, motor and power supply

Curated Collection

The Sondek LP12 is fully modular, so you can build it to your own unique specifications. Choice should always empower, not overpower. So we’ve pre-configured three complete versions of LP12 to show you what’s possible in the world of Linn sound. You’ll hear more music than you thought possible from the groove of a record.

Klimax LP12

The original and

Our not-so-secret recipe is a modular, upgradeable design. This allows Klimax LP12 to forever be the beneficiary of our latest, cutting-edge technology; which means this modern classic is always going to be the best – today and tomorrow – and it’s going to keep getting best…er!

Selekt LP12

The audiophile's dream

Selekt LP12 follows in the footsteps of its digital cousin – Selekt DSM – both in its arresting musicality and its unbounded upgradeability.

Majik LP12

Discover your favourites anew

Take your first step into high-fidelity vinyl playback. And close the door behind you, you won’t be turning back. Experience the legendary Sondek LP12 in its most affordable guise – powered by carefully curated Linn-engineered components.

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